Trivia 2/212/23/2016 Heh-HEY there, America, and thanks for stopping by for another edition of Ben Needed Something For His Blog Trivia! I'm your host, the interchangeable Id, Ego and Super-Ego of Benjamin Mumford-Zisk, here to tell you that tree pollen is the number on killer of Americans under ninety-nine, so don't forget to spay and neuter your houseplants!
I have this team that shows up a lot of Sundays who call themselves them Muffdivers. They sit in the corner and yell "Muff Die VERS!" every chance they get. They get a lot of chances, cause they're like twenty-one and go to college, so they're used to going after every opening they see. I also pause a lot. I think they might be scared of silence. They're great. 1.2
Hey, we're gonna do our super secret bonus round! All these questions fit a theme, and if you can tell me what the theme is, I'll give you five extra points! Well, I won't give them to you, I'm not scoring this and I'm actually a figment of your imagination! I'm not wearing underwear. I don't have a body. Boo! 2.2 SUPER SECRET BONUS ROUND
Didja GET IT? Man, I didn't. I never do. And they won't give me the answers until after the commercials, cause ONE TIME I made a few bets. Never gonna let me forget that, ARE ya, Ernie? No, I'm not gonna let it go, my goddam knee pops every time I sit down! Because they broke it! Because I couldn't pay the vig, ERNIE. Anway. 3.1
Bill? I thought he was a Mormon? They can lapse? Huh. Learn something new every day. 3.2
All right, folks, I'm betting there's a lot of one and two point responses to that last one, we'll be back with answers, after this! Where's my cigarettes? Yeah, I did quit, there's a key bump in there. It's been a long year, Ern. Well, Marsha left, and I think she wants a divorce, I dunno, I'm having panic attacks every– "Well, no, I just don't think we can trust someone like her in the White House." "She was Secretary of State, dad. And I mean, even if you don't like her, what about Bernie-" "Oh, don't talk to me about that socialist. I mean, I haven't made up my MIND to vote for Trump, but..." Does this happen to you? Do you find your family holidays ruined by off-the-rails conservative elements in your family? Are you tired of mentally compensating for loved ones who veil racist, misogynistic or culturally suicidal sentiments behind vaguely-articulated political dogma? Then PrickOff is for you! Prickoff is a medical-grade corrosive substance bound up in a viscous antiseptic and anesthetic solution that can be swabbed on to the unevolved members of your family to quickly and painlessly burn them away. PrickOff works in minutes, and cleans up with water! So next time Gramma starts talking about the Thugs in the White House, or Uncle Frank tells you he supports Donald Trump's plan to bomb Agraba, don't nod and smile and add to your ulcer! Reach for the PrickOff, and Make America Great again! PrickOff. Remember, there's a chance that gold-mopped psychopath could win, so the more of these morons we keep from voting, the better.
Trivia 1_312/1/2016 Trivia time is back!
Last night's game featured both the only super secret bonus theme that no one has ever guessed, and the only time I've gotten applause for an answer no one knew. The answers in round 2.2 all fit a theme...can you tell me what it is? 1.1
Trivia 12/612/9/2015 Trivia time it's trivia time it's tri vee ah TIIIME!
Sorry I'm late this week folks, I was stuck in 1871 making sure that President Arglaban's (#68) great^9 grandfather wasn't crushed by a rolling ball of moose parts. Long story. Let's get started! Bear in mind, this was a game for SUNDAY, 12/6 1.1
2.2 SUPER SECRET BONUS ROUND This week we are gonna switch things up. I’m gonna read you ten titles of movies. Except these movie titles have been translated into another language, and then translated back into English. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to tell me what these movies were called originally.
We'll be right back, after these messages! Unhappy down under? Having trouble rounding third base? Try Schmidt's Sheriff Badge Polish. Tough on grit, gentle on the ol' Sheriff's Badge. Nothing Cleans a Badge Like Schmidt's®. Trivia 11/29/1511/30/2015 Last night's trivia was a trip. Let me tell you. Nice crowd, good energy and WOAH some high scores.
There are apparently some people out there who still remember every member of G-Unit. Who'da thunk? If you really want to get the full experience, by the way, I recommend you listen to the songs under the questions as you work. If you're not done by the time the songs are done, FAILURE! EXILE! Enjoy! 1.1
Kieza, hideaway 1.2
Daya, Hide Away 2.1
Meat Puppets, Backwater Thin Lizzy, Jailbreak 2.2 SUPER SECRET BONUS ROUND Per usual these questions fit a theme. What is that theme?
Wallflowers, One Headlight 3.1
The Weeknd In The Night 3.2
Steve N Seagulls Thunderstruck Stay tuned for the answers, after THESE MESSAGES! "So I was on my way to work and I was trying to drink my Starbucks and do my makeup and talk to my girlfriend all while on the train and I kept dropping my phone in my triple-sweet extra-hot nonfat Chai Latte, but like we were having this really important convo about the guy she's been talking to and how like they like to netflix and chill and stuff and junk but like neither of them is trying to do anything serious like a relationship-relationship right? I mean that's not crazy or anything they're just looking for like casual sex and companionship and help with their bills but like they don't want to be a couple or anything like that's too much, and like I kept getting chai in my hair and then my boss was a total dick about it when I asked if I could stop in at Forever 21 for maybe like a new blouse cause the old one had chai on it and really I needed to keep talking to my friend cause like I have my problems too right? Like the guy I'VE been talking to is TOTALLY talking to this other girl too and he says it's not serious but you KNOW that he's not telling me the truth cause I'VE been talking to this other guy too just in case you know? So like I know what it looks like and I TOTALLY needed the time to get my shirt and talk to my girl but like my boss was–" SCREEEEEEECAAAAW *flap flap flap* SCREEEEEEEEEEE *flap smack crunch* Omigod get it off of her oh god her face Jesus Christ SCREEEEEEEAAAAW *flap flap flap* Screeeeeeeeeeeeee *flap flap* Flamberg's Millennial-Seeking Attack Eagles. For those moments when pushing someone into traffic just isn't enough. Call now and receive our Anti-Busker Osprey, FREE! Flamberg's. Because sometimes the children AREN'T our future. Trivia 11/2211/23/2015 Fun crowd, last night. Lots of teams, good turnout. Hopefully Rulloff's made theirs, I feel a mite guilty when they shell out a hundred bucks for me to lead one of three teams to a fifty dollar gift certificate. Last night had twelve, I believe, and a few extra splinter teams that only played the bonus rounds for beer. God bless 'em.
Enjoy! 1.1
2.2 SUPER SECRET BONUS ROUND There's a theme linking all of these answers. Can you tell me what it is?
Answers after the break. HI! Does your wood chipper squeak and smell after those 'unusual' jobs? Try new Sportchfork's Lime Lubricant, now with Lemon-flavored Scentions! It cleans and lubricates your wood chipper blades while dissolving organic matter in those hard to reach areas, and leaves behind a pleasing summer scent. So the next time your business partner betrays you for a bigger share of the ransom, don't fret: Get Sportchfork's! Dramatic, yet soothing music You've been together a long time. You've grown close. And formed a bond. But life won't last forever. Isn't it time you made sure they're cared for...after you're gone? McEdelmann's Psittacoppascerae. Parrot-focused life insurance policies designed to ensure the safety and comfort of your feathered loved one in case of the unforeseen. McEdelmann's Psittacoppascerae. Do it for Mr. Crackers. TRIVIA 11/1511/21/2015 I write these trivia games to infuriate and confuse students at an Ivy League university.
Protip: Just because you got into an Ivy League school, doesn't mean you're smart. Try your might! Oh, by the way, this is the first time I'm posting one of these, so this is quiz is a week old. In the future, I'll post Sunday's quiz on Monday. 1.1
2.2 SUPER SECRET BONUS ROUND: The answers to these five questions fit a theme! Can you tell me what that theme is? Most people could, with this one. You're smarter than most people, aren't you?
AuthorThe unkempt thoughts of Benjamin Mumford-Zisk Archives
July 2020